
“Thank you so much for the love”- Congratulations pour as Wunmi Toriola rejoice over her latest achievement

Nollywood actress Wunmi Toriola has taken to her Instagram page to congratulate herself over her latest success and accomplishments.

The actress rejoice as she get her ist 1million view on YouTube with less than 75k subscribers.

She thanked her amazing fans who streamed her movie and made her hardwork a success.

Eniola ajoa wrote: Congratulations dear sis❤️❤️????????

Stannze wrote: Congratulations ????????????????

Sajetolaga wrote: Congratulations my darling ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Semiloreprewwt wrote: Congratulations ????????❤️❤️

Iamkemikoreade wrote: Congratulations sweetie ❤❤

Go crazzzzy wrote: The fact you don’t have to make it in part kill it all all these newbies need to learn from you that you don’t have to make your movie in parts to generate money.no worry you bam????

Bukola house wrote: we need part two of my wife and i oo???????????????? is too sweet ????????????

Kolawole wrote: After leaving WT set , i told my friend this movie will hit million and more , he said why?  i told him you’re too gifted, the vibe of the story is ????????????

See post below.


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