
Sagamu High School Old Students Association Inspires Current Students with ‘Back-to-School’ Project

The Sagamu High School Old Students Association, led by its 1999 set, has embarked on a remarkable initiative to give back to their alma mater through the ‘Back-to-School’ project. The initiative, which took place recently, was designed to empower current students with valuable life lessons, career guidance, and mentorship. The alumni, in a show of dedication to the school that shaped their formative years, engaged students on essential topics, rewarded punctuality, and made significant donations to improve the school’s learning environment.

A major highlight of the event was a powerful session led by a prominent media personality and alumnus of the school, Adeniyi Ifetayo. He delivered insightful talks on “Emotional Intelligence” and “Life Skills Development,” key skills that are critical for personal and professional growth. Ifetayo emphasized the importance of understanding and managing emotions, developing strong interpersonal skills, and making informed decisions. His engaging presentation left the students captivated and inspired.

One of the students, Amina Adebola, a senior secondary school pupil, expressed her excitement about the session. “I never really thought about how important emotional intelligence is until today,” she shared. “Hearing Mr. Ifetayo talk about managing our emotions and thinking before reacting was eye-opening. I feel like I’m better prepared to handle difficult situations both at school and in life.”

Another student, Femi Akinola, a junior secondary school pupil, was equally inspired. “The session on life skills was amazing. They taught us about making good choices after secondary school and pursuing our passions. I’ve always been confused about what to do after school, but now I know I can explore different career paths and find something I’m really passionate about.”

The day wasn’t just about talks; it was also about showing the students the value of punctuality and discipline. In a bid to teach a practical lesson, the Old Students Association arrived at the school as early as 6 a.m. to identify and reward the most punctual students and teachers. Three students—two from Junior Secondary School and one from Senior Secondary School—who arrived early were given cash gifts as a reward for their commitment. Teachers who demonstrated the same dedication were also recognized with cash prizes. The school principal, whose leadership has been instrumental in maintaining a culture of discipline, was also honored.

One of the punctual students said the recognition meant a lot to her. “I always try to get to school early, but today it felt extra special. Getting rewarded for something I do every day makes me want to keep pushing myself. It also makes me realize that showing up matters, in school and in life.”

Beyond mentorship and life lessons, the Old Students Association also addressed some of the school’s infrastructural needs by donating three brand-new whiteboards to enhance the learning environment. The gesture was warmly received by both staff and students, who expressed their gratitude for the alumni’s generosity.

The president of the 1999 set of the Old Students Association, Mr. Segun Ajayi, remarked on the motivation behind the initiative. “We believe in giving back to the institution that gave us so much. This is just the beginning of what we hope will be an ongoing tradition of support. Our goal is to inspire these students to dream big and provide them with the tools and knowledge to succeed.”

The event closed with a heartfelt vote of thanks from the school principal, who praised the alumni for their commitment to the school and its students. He encouraged the students to make the most of the wisdom and resources shared with them, reminding them that they too could one day be successful alumni giving back to future generations.

The ‘Back-to-School’ project by the Sagamu High School Old Students Association has not only made a lasting impact on the students but has also set a powerful example of the importance of community, mentorship, and paying it forward. With plans to continue similar projects, the future looks brighter for the students of Sagamu High School.


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