
NASSA Multicultural Carnival: Hon. Bawa Urges Students To Be Ambassadors Of Peace

By Tambaya Julius, Abuja

The former Revenue Chairman of Karu Local Government Council, Hon. Bawa Enam Rabo, made an impactful appearance at an event organized by the Nasarawa State Students Association (NASSA) at Nasarawa State University on saturday 7th septmber 2024.

The event, held under the theme “Peaceful Coexistence in Cultural Diversity,” attracted students from various institutions across the state, all gathering to promote peace and unity in Nasarawa.

Speaking at the event, Hon. Bawa Enam Rabo emphasized the importance of peace in driving the development of Nasarawa State. Addressing the university community and the members of NASSA, he urged everyone to embrace peace and make Nasarawa State’s progress their top priority.

“Peace is priceless and paramount; without it, no society can thrive,” Hon. Bawa stated.

He stressed that the lack of peace only breeds conflict and stagnation, highlighting the role of students as peace ambassadors both within and outside the university setting.

Hon. Bawa also encouraged students to rise above differences in religion, culture, and ethnicity, promoting the idea that unity is the key to prosperity.

He reminded them that regardless of their background, it is essential to protect the collective interests of Nasarawa State.

He said, “Wherever you go, be democratic and embrace peace. Your diverse backgrounds should not hinder your dedication to ensuring that Nasarawa State continues to progress.” His words were met with applause, as the message of unity resonated with the crowd.

In a show of his dedication to the student body, Hon. Bawa pledged to support the growth of the association and its members.

He promised to refund all registration fees paid by students from every tribe, a gesture that was warmly received by attendees.

The former Chairman expressed his desire for all students, irrespective of their background, to benefit equally from opportunities and resources available within the state.

Hon. Bawa used the platform to caution against tribal and religious discrimination, urging students to resist the temptation of dividing themselves along these lines. He encouraged them to foster a sense of collective responsibility and to promote the wellbeing of Nasarawa State and, by extension, the world.

He said, “Let us avoid the spirit of tribalism and religious bias. Our focus should be on creating a better, united Nasarawa State where everyone, regardless of their origin, can thrive.”

Hon. Bawa expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of NASSA for extending the invitation to him and for allowing him to chair such an important event.

He praised the association for their efforts in promoting peace and unity among students, and reiterated his ongoing support for their initiatives.


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