
Maplewood Estate vs Eyes On The Future School: Facts of the Matter

Engr. Peter Omotosho, proprietor of Eyes On the Future School, has set the record straight on misinformation about the Lagos State Government, countering accusations of complacency made by Mr. Oseni Akerele, leader of the Maplewood Estate Residents Association. Omotosho’s statement clarifies several contentious issues, unveiling the underlying problems within the estate.

Mr. Oseni Akerele and his executive team published an article in the Sunday Telegraph on July 21, 2024, criticizing the Lagos State Government’s handling of estate matters. Engr. Omotosho, however, has accused Mr. Akerele and his team of hypocrisy and corruption, detailing several instances of misconduct and failure to comply with governmental regulations.

Key Issues Highlighted

Unauthorized Constructions and Alterations:

Mr. Akerele and his team have been accused of unauthorized modifications within the estate, including the construction of concrete blocks and drainage alterations without requisite approvals from the Lagos State Government.
The executive team allegedly attempted to convert the setback area of Eyes On The Future School for their exclusive use, disregarding police orders to stop work.

Mismanagement and Corruption:

During a previous estate improvement project, contributions were misused, leading to substandard work by an unqualified bricklayer hired by the executive team instead of the approved private contractor.
Engr. Omotosho cites the executive team’s lack of action following three armed robberies at Eyes On The Future School, which resulted in significant losses.

Legal Disputes and Court Orders:

A notable incident on May 1, 2019, involved a physical altercation between Engr. Omotosho and Mr. Akerele, leading to a court case. Despite a court order for the replacement of a damaged barrier, Mr. Akerele has refused to comply, instead seeking a reinterpretation of the judgment.
Allegations of land conversion for school use were addressed with documentation submitted to the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development, which confirmed the legality of the school’s land use.
Extortion and Psychological Maltreatment:

The estate executive has been accused of extorting residents and suppressing dissent by reporting protesting members to the authorities, resulting in their detention.

Thuggery allegations include Mr. Akerele hiring thugs during construction projects, further complicating estate management and safety.
Possession of Illegal Firearms:

The estate’s current security personnel are reportedly armed with unauthorized weapons, including double-barrel and pump-action guns, which have been used to intimidate residents.
Vindication of Lagos State Government
Engr. Omotosho’s statement firmly supports the Lagos State Government, highlighting that the government’s efforts to regulate and improve estate conditions are being undermined by the Maplewood Estate Residents Association. He calls for a comprehensive review by government agencies to ensure compliance and proper estate management, urging residents to recognize the state’s dedication to maintaining order and development.

The rejoinder serves as a detailed rebuttal to the accusations made by Mr. Oseni Akerele and the Maplewood Estate Residents Association. Engr. Omotosho’s defense emphasizes the importance of following due process and supporting government initiatives to create a well-ordered and thriving community.


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