
DRTS Mayor Dr. Yusuf John Suberu Honored for Commitment to Sports Development

Dr. Yusuf John Suberu, Squadron Leader and National Coordinator of the Road Traffic and Vehicle Inspection Officers Mayors, was among the dignitaries recognized at the DRTS Sports Unit’s second football competition in Abuja.

Dr. Suberu was honored with an award for his unwavering commitment, support, and dedication to sports development within the Directorate of Road Traffic Services (DRTS).

During the ceremony, the DRTS Director praised Suberu’s invaluable contributions, highlighting his influence on the success of sporting activities within the directorate and urging him to continue serving the nation and humanity.

Other high-profile recipients included the FCT Transportation Permanent Secretary, DRTS Director, and several deputy directors.

Dr. Suberu, a Kogi State-born philanthropist and advocate for safety, has long been a champion for sports and public welfare, earning numerous accolades from various organizations for his efforts toward national development.

His leadership in the DRTS and his passion for sports have made him a pillar within the organization, further solidifying his role as a key figure in the promotion of youth engagement and community development through sports.


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