
Defence Headquarters Court Marshals Naval Officer


The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) has officially discharged Ex-Seaman Abbas Haruna M5759 from service with ignominy, following his conviction by a General Court Martial (GCM) for gross indiscipline and disobedience.

This decision was made public by the Director of Defence Information, Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, on Wednesday whilst addressing newsmen in Abuja.

The troubles for Ex-seaman Haruna began during a parade where he continually interrupted the Commanding Officer’s (CO) address to troops of Exercise AYEM AKPATUMA. Despite being directed to report to the guard room. Haruna refused to obey, leading to his arrest.

In a shocking display of indiscipline, he expended 16 rounds of 7. 62mm ammunition to prevent his colleagues from taking him into custody.

He said the discharge of Ex- seaman Haruna is with immediate effect following the confirmation of the GCM’s verdict by the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS).

“Accordingly, at the conclusion of the proceedings, the GCM found Ex- seaman Abbas Haruna M5759 guilty on all counts.

“Based on this, he was sentenced to a Reduction in Rate from Seaman to Ordinary Seaman on count one and dismissal with ignominy on counts 2 and 3 with effect from 7 February 2023.

“ Thereafter, the ex-rating was placed on open arrest at the arrival hall in Mogadishu Cantonment, Abuja, pending confirmation of the sentences by the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS).

“The Record of Proceedings (ROP) of the trial was forwarded to DHQ on 27 June 2023 and subsequently transmitted to Naval Headquarters on 8 August 2023.

“The sentences of the GCM were thereafter confirmed by the CNS with effect from 19 September 2024,” he stated.

He noted that the incident led to his trial by a GCM, which found him guilty on three counts: Disobedience to Particular Orders, Resistance to Arrest, and Offences about Public and Service Property.

The GCM sentenced Haruna to a Reduction in Rate from Seaman to Ordinary Seaman on Count One and Dismissal with Ignominy on Counts 2 and 3, with effect from February 7, 2023, after he pleaded guilty to all counts charges and begged for leniency and a lighter punishment.

The Director emphasised that the DHQ received a notice of confirmation of Ex seaman Haruna from the service by the CNS, confirming the sentences and emphasising the need for discipline and adherence to military law.

He warned that the military takes zero tolerance for indiscipline, and any personnel found wanting will face the full weight of the law.

The discharge of Ex-Seaman Abbas Haruna with ignominy serves as a deterrent to other personnel who may contemplate engaging in similar behaviour.

CKNNews gathered that Ex rating Haruna committed the said offence in 2019 but claimed to be suffering from mental issues where he was always in and out of the hospital until when the medical reports certified him feat of standing trial, hence a GCM was constituted and trial commenced on December 20, 2022 – February 7, 2023. He was thereafter discharged on 3 count charges.

The Defence Headquarters has commended the Nigerian Navy for its commitment to discipline and adherence to military law.

“The discharge of Ex-Seaman Abbas Haruna with ignominy demonstrates the Armed Forces’ resolve to maintain the highest standards of discipline and professionalism,” the DDI stated.


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