
Lord’s Chosen Charistmatic Revival Ministry Clears Air on “I Am A Chosen” Testimonies

As scepticism continues to spread like wildfire and the Lord’s Chosen Charistmatic Revival Ministry faces accusations of fabricating divine encounters, the Head of Public Relations and Media of the church, Pastor Chidi Louis, has said: “the general overseer is not bothered by it”.

In his words: “I don’t think what is happening has any impact on the church. Our general overseer is not bothered by it. It’s normal—once you’re doing the right thing, people will criticise you. I actually pity those involved because the Bible says, “Every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit is not forgivable.

“Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” I hope those doing this know the Bible.

“The issue is that some Christians involved are ignorant of God and of what Scripture says. We’re not troubled by this; we pity them. We let them say whatever they want—it’s between them and God. The church is not disturbed at all. The Bible clearly states that if you do wrong, you will face the consequences”.

Speaking in an exclusive interview, Louis wondered why some Nigerians remain unconvinced about miracles.

“Everyone in the country today is seeing what is happening on social media regarding ...ed videos. The fact remains that someone doctored the videos to tarnish the image of the church. There are unabridged versions of the videos, but what these people did was circulate shortened clips on social media to damage the church’s reputation”, he asserted.

Louis explained that there are unabridged versions of testimonies, such as one from a woman who dreamt of how she disarmed three robbers of their AK-47s, and another from a brother who testified that, in his dream, he was riding on the back of a lion, which directed him where to go.

“We don’t have any issue with anyone, but it’s clear they are attempting to tarnish the church’s image. However, we thank God that they are inadvertently advertising the church”, he said.


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