
Fanta trends online as NAFDAC storms 240 shops in Abia State where fake drinks are produced

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC) has stormed about 240 shops in Abia States where fake drinks are produced.

A video has been shared online where shops in Abia State have in stock fake drinks and some poisonous chemicals used for the production of these drinks.

All the drinks were seen being destroyed by the team from NAFDAC. Some drinks found at these shops include red wine, Fanta, club beer, Whisky, Hennesey, Champaigns, and many more.

“A lot of people have bought drinks for Christmas but don’t even know what the source is”, the NAFDAC director reveals as he uncovers another factory for the production of fake drinks.

Fanta trends online as NAFDAC storms 240 shops in Abia State where fake drinks are produced
Fake drinks produced in Abia State. source: Channels tv

Watch the video below….